Core Features Core features included in all plans.
Customer Care Marina Management is a Service. The Marina with the Best Customer Service wins.

Automatically send monthly statements. Provide your customers with a thumbnail look at their monthly activity. Including Gate Access Records, Fuel Consumption, Electrical Meter Readings, Ship's Store Purchases, Vessel Cleaning and Maintenance, Email Activity, even alert customers when it's time for their Contracts and Vessel Registrations to be renewed.

Forms Management
Update forms and contracts globally then email affected customers with new terms in one click.
Automated Agreements from customers indicate they have read and understand the new terms and conditions.

Simple to Read Billing
Eliminate or at least reduce the amount of time you or your staff spends explaining customer statements.
Easily understood statements mean a smoother workflow.

Contact History
Every time you or your customer exchange communications, by phone or email, you have a record of what what said and done.
The number of ails that this cures can be measured in real dollars.
Answers! Schedule Your Online Demonstration Today
9805 NE 116th St. | Suite 212
Kirkland, Washington 98034